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    Non-Alphanumeric Transcript Instructions for US Institutions


    When evaluating a transcript for admission from a US institution* that does not have an alphanumeric grading system (letter grades or number grades) it is the program’s responsibility to determine and apply “equivalent measures of performance” and generate a numeric cumulative gpa to determine the applicant’s admissibly and need for a low gpa petition to the Graduate School.  (Policy 3.1.1 - Qualifications)

    Note: a transcript without an alphanumeric grading system does not automatically mean a low gpa petition is required. A low gpa petition is only required if the department’s equivalent measures determine the applicant’s admit gpa is below 3.0.

    *This guide is only for US institutions. International transcripts should be evaluated using options 5-7 on the GPA Help Guide.

    Best Practices

    Narrative course evaluations:

    • A narrative transcript offers the admissions committee more nuanced insight into the students' performance beyond a letter or numeric grade. It is up to the committee to determine how to integrate narrative feedback into an admissions decision.
    • Refer to the institution’s website for guidance and recommended equivalencies.
    • Review each course narrative and identify evaluative words/phrases.
    • Assign a numeric grade to each evaluative work/phrase.
      • Alphanumeric grading scales should be reviewed annually to determine institutional changes and or changes.
    • Use the gpa calculator to determine a cumulative gpa.

    Credit/No-Credit or Satisfactory/Non-Satisfactory:

    • Some institutions evaluate classes on a CR/NC (credit/no credit) or S/NS (satisfactory/non-satisfactory) basis.
    • Refer to the transcript legend or the institution’s website for guidance and recommended equivalencies for these non-graded evaluations.
    • Map the institution’s  recommended grade equivalency to each CR or NC then use the gpa calculator.
    Completing the Assign Decision Form

    See options 1-4 on the GPA Help Guide for examples of how to calculate the gpa once an equivalent measure has been established.

    Once calculated, the Admit gpa needs to be entered in the appropriate field in the GPA Verification section of the Assign Decision Form. If necessary, a low gpa petition must be submitted (and approved), before offering admission.