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    GPA course-by-course calc - Intl (Philippines)

    GPA Calculation Using Individual Grades

    This example demonstrates how to do a course-by-course calculation for the cumulative gpa as this transcript does not include this information.

    Note: this transcript contains 4 failed classes, highlighted in yellow. The green highlights show the retaken courses.

    Using the transcript below, each grade was entered into Scholaro GPA Calculator. The result of the calculation is below.

    When using the Scholaro GPA Calculator, the first step is the select the country and the correct grading scale. 

    In this example the grading scale on the transcript is:

    The corresponding grading scale in Scholaro is:

    When identifying the appropriate grading scale, it can be helpful to identify what is considered a failing grade. We can see from the transcript that "Below 75" is failing and that corresponds to this grading scale.

    Detail oriented individuals will note that there is a minor typo in entry #23. The grade should be a 91, but Kari was tired and entered it as 90. This minor difference does not impact the overall example.
    Note: For the failed classes (highlighted yellow), the original transcript does not include the number of credits. In order to enter them into the gpa calculator, you have to look at the retaken course to determine the number of credits that should be used.
    The GPA Verification section should be completed as follows:

    However, because the gpa is below the minimum requirement, do not submit the Decision Form (offer admission). Instead, enter a petition to Waive Minimum Admission Requirements for Low GPA. (Access the Petitions and Requests link from the application dashboard.)